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Spring 2020


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April 21 3:30 PM : How are you already integrating global learning into your classes or in your research?

This was a very interesting discussion. We began with Midori, Art History, and she explained how the term has evolved to mean the ability for artists to position their work in a global market. She explained that in some ways this term is negative as local artists turn to local markets because they cannot compete in the global economic market. Helen and Jason discussed how since Fukuyama’s End of History, globalization has mean the unity of markets, peace, and governance based on a universal claim to Human Rights. Global Studies on the other hand has taken on a more plural nomos based on what different cultures view as important issues for the future. Most evident were the Arab Spring, Climate Change Adaptations, Global Migration, and the recent Pandemic. Stuart and Debra discussed the historical point of view and talked about how education of global history, while involving parallels (the Atlantic Slave Trade) tends to be nebulous and difficult to assess. We wondered whether a formal assessment and curricular alignment were possible at Kingsborough given the Pandemic and budget shortfalls projected.

Weeks of April 28 – May 9:

I met individually with Jazmin De La Cruz, Helen-Margaret Nasser, Debra Schultz and Stuart Parker. We discussed possible research projects where our interests overlap. I was somewhat disheartened that while Kingsborough has a Global Studies option for students, and draw in dozens of students interested in pursuing academic and career options in this field, the pandemic was likely going to make resources scant. I met with each of the members to discuss how we might think about long-term grant planning and SOTL based work that might better “make the case” for global studies.

Final Meeting: Monday 27 (3:00 – 4:00): How can we integrate the high impact practice of global learning into our courses for Fall 2020? 



1. Campus Activities: Sustainability Council, Urban Farm, Wellness Center, Eco-Fest.

2. Additional Readings: Global Learning Assessment (Musil).

3. Co-Curricular to Curriculum Development in Global & Environmental Studies at Kingsborugh.

4. Transfer Options, Internships, Careers and Civic Engagement.